Collaborations with…

Jörg Maria Zeger


Sergio Kanterovich



David Rothenberg (Wolken & Wellen performance night, Altes Finanzamt, Berlin, 06/12/14 and Nightingala, Berlin, 06/01/14)

Marta Leite ( Berlin Ephemeral in ÇØÜ magazine, Aube Alba Tageslied film, images and performance for Language is An Invisible Landscape, The Torn Letter for From a Missing Doll, Anonymous Author Edition, Berlin, 2012)

Simon Huw Jones (Simon’s translation participation for Chair&Cendres/Flesh to Ashes, interpretation of AATT’s The Headless Clay Woman by – Felino, svegliati ! , Beds as one of the inspiration for AATT’s In a bed in Yugoslavia)

Nikola Richter

Felipe Dias De


Cristian Forte

Jessica Piette ( To The Ashàninka People in the Overflow exhibition at the Center Space Gallery Bristol, 10/2-7/15 and at vanishing point artsite)

Nicholas Kramer

Iku Sakan

Utku Tavil

Poesie Büro Berlin

Altes Finanzamt

Filament Stanza

Anonymous Author Edition (Letter from a Missing Doll)

Büro BDP (Concrete textual work by Gaëlle Kreens, solo exhibition, Berlin, 08/10/11)

Milena Berlin (several versions of South Berlin/North Berlin performances)

Garten Studio (Traum17 for Sergio Kanterovich’s Östlicher Licht exhibition, Berlin, 2010)

Muserole (Memory Transfer audio version)

Tobias Fisher (Animal Music)

Tick Magazine (a special version of Mistake)

Institut für Raumexperimente (Translation Act W4 – Unfair Poetry, Tempelhofer Park, Berlin, 06/23/12)

Manifesto Film Festival Amsterdam (To The Ashàninka People selected for the experimental short program 05/27/18)

Center Space Gallery Bristol (Overflow exhibition)

Prinzessinengarten Berlin (RAUMumDICHTUNG #3)

Amarcord Bookshop Berlin (De Nature Sensuelle performance)

Psybi Berlin (Mistake and Memory Transfer performances)

Editions Verticales (Street Voice, Paroles de l’Ombre)

Portable Book Fair

dasPOESIEBÜRO, altes Finanzamt, Berlin, 15 to 17/06/2012